Sunday, December 2, 2012

An International Cake

I'm so excited to post this cake, because to be honest- it was one big experiment! My dear teacher friend Tejal has been trying to find an excuse to buy a cake for months.  She planned a surprise trip home to celebrate her dad over Thanksgiving because he was turning 65 AND retiring. (That's a darn good excuse to surprise someone!)

We planned out the cake and scheduled a pickup for the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Since the party wasn't until Friday I had the tough task of making a cake that would last that long.  She drove it home the next morning and dropped it off at the venue.

Did I mention that her family lives in Canada??

So Tejal was quite a trooper because this was my first cake traveling that far, my first cake that was served so many days after it was made, and for the sake of making this list- my first square cake covered in fondant.

All in all it was a huge success! Gulab was surprised, the cake tasted delicious (so I heard), and it was all in tact.  In fact, the pictures I'm posting are from Tejal's camera and are just as good as the ones I took of the cake days before, and better quality (shocking since I used my iPhone to take a few).

Thanks Lad family! Happy birthday and retirement Gulab!!

*Coming soon: Moira and Graham's Wedding

(I made the amateur mistake of deleting photos from my camera before they were synched with my laptop.  Luckily I know a fabulous photographer who was at the event, Mark Maskell!)

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