A busy week indeed! It might have been easier to spread out three occasions such as these... but to be honest there is something relaxing about a day in the kitchen turning over batch after batch of cupcakes. I'm so thankful to have three great women who will give me this excuse!
Occasion #1: Cayce's tasting for her April wedding. The decision is still unmade, so we'll just have to wait until next month for the final product photo! After many emails and choices, we finally settled on four flavors to be passed off via her fiance when he came to the city for business.
Occasion #2: Megan's friend's baby shower. Again, another detailed set of plans, but the perfect excuse to drive home to Botetourt for the weekend. These were inspired by an online picture, but adapted to the colors of the shower. It was bright, and whimsical and so much fun to create.
Occasion #3: Kristina's friend's wedding shower. Half of this batch came from a previous topper idea (the chocolate hearts) and the other half was new and modern. The new monogram of "F" was done with fondant buttons in a sophisticated purple and gold, the shower's theme colors.
It's weeks like this that make things interesting, and give me the excitement to try new things. All in all, a fantastic precursor to the busy cake month ahead.
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